Saturday, April 22, 2023

Stay at Home

 I am starting a Stay at Home Club.  A bit boring, but much better than the alternative.

  Everyone welcome

Anthony and Savanne


May 5, 2023 the Stay At Home Club has been doing well.  I managed to stay at home 4 days out of the 7 this week. 



Friday, April 14, 2023


Three pomegranates fell from heaven.  One for the story teller, one for the listener and one for the world. 

Thursday, April 6, 2023


So here it is April 6 already

Lene and Loni have come and gone.  It was a wonderful 6-day visit. They enjoyed their time here and I think they were able to do, see, and meet everything and everyone they wanted to. I enjoyed them.  The whole thing was a pleasure. The Sunday luncheon was a success.  McDowell prepared a delicious salmon.

Then I was brought down with the flu.  I felt it coming on all through lunch on Sunday.  I went to bed that evening, coughing, sneezing, stuffed up, sore throat, aching bones, exhausted, but no fever. I wasn't able to raise my head until Wednesday. Ibruprophen, Ferrol cough medicine, sleep, and water were the remedies.  I am still coughing, and not yet fully recovered although this is the first day I actually felt like I might recover.  

Now McDowell has it and is sick.  Luckily it is the long Easter weekend so he can rest and not feel he has to open the Bar. Poor man.  I don't think he has ever had the flu.  He is completely baffled by how awful he is feeling.  He'll sleep his way through it.

For an explanation of who Loni and Lene are see blog entry April 20, 2017

APRIL 12 Saw the Doctor yesterday.  BRONCHITIS!  Amoxycillin, Prednisone.  I am already feeling better.  Definitely on the mend.  McDowell has recovered and is back in the restaurant at work.