One week after Carnival and all is back to normal. Usual traffic, usual heat, usual street noises, usual folk, usual disasters, usual wilted vegetables in the market, usual shortages. All is well.
A few updates:
The iPhone is fully functional. The aching shoulder has its off and on days, McD gave his daughter $$$ for the dentist and she canceled all her appointments. He is out some money. I told him to pay the dentist directly, but nooooo!
The piles on the beach are still there and being added to by the vendors on the Square. I hope it is drying out so NEP or someone can move it. Maybe burn it? The sea will take it back in the next storm, but this is the Karam, the dry season, so no storms for months.
New sample has just been delivered to the lab and I will get giardia results by week's end. I have had some side normal effects to the medication, lethargy and upset intestinal system mostly, but back on track now.
At this moment, Bef is scrubbing some really nice heavy iron pots and pans that I found and EBoy is sweeping up the dried fallen leaves from the yard. The dogs are sleeping in the shade behind the house. Nice west breeze coming in off the ocean.
My complaint is that I am finding stairs, getting up from a sitting position, and carrying stuff increasingly troubling. I used to be so graceful and strong. Balance is wonky too. I feel that I go tottering down the street like a drunken sailor! and slow. I don't like this at all.
I cant get photos from the tablets to this laptop. I would like to attach photos to these blogs
'til next time
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