Thursday, February 1, 2024


Well, January might have been quiet but February started off with boom.  Nothing special just all at once.

Preparations for Carnival are underway.  The Kubuli (beer) truck just delivered 7 cases, now we have to buy couple of cases of Carib and Heineken.  Macoucherie is short on cask rum.  There are no cigarettes, only Dunhill. 

Very few tourists, and they are not spending!

The Vet came today, and the dogs are spayed and neutered.   The dogs are recovering and are hung over from the anesthetic.  They will sleep it off.  The process cost 350 EC dollars -  about $175 Canadian for the two. MUCH cheaper than Canada.  All done on the tables outside, under the almond trees.  No fancy animal hospital. No vaccine though.  There is no vaccine on the Island.  Soon they will go and stay at the farm and chase off the agouti and goats. They are expensive.  I cook big pots of dog rice and chicken neck for them.  Ugh.  I won't be sorry to see them  go.  Feeding them, making sure they have water and cleaning up after them are jobs I don't want.  They are McD's dogs.  He will do all this but in his own timeless kind of time, if you know what I mean.   No routine.  Meanwhile, I end up worrying about them and doing the dog chores.

McD's daughter has a problem with a bad tooth.  They are at the dentist in Roseau at the moment. I'm very sure she needs a lot of work on her teeth.  He will get an assessment, I hope.

I could not get my food handlers permit.  My test was positive for the giardia worm, a microscopic intestinal parasite common in the tropics.  I am completely asymtomatic! I am taking the prescribed medication, then retest in 3 weeks.  McDowell's test was negative because he purged the night before giving his sample.   I would have had a negative result too if I had also flushed.  Because his test was negative, he got his permit.  Good.

The iPhone is held up at customs.  They want 350EC to release it to me.  I won't have the money until next week.  I really only want it for the camera.  

No news at all from the lawyer about the status of the claim to this property.  It will be a year in May. 

McDowell is managing two properties for his friend Vans.  This involves me as I am the line of communication.  I don't mind, but it is time-consuming 

Stupid Microsoft keeps telling me that I don't have any more storage space and trying to scare me into buying protection from all the evil spirits out there.   They have about 3 different names for the same thing, I don't know what they are talking about.  A nuisance. 

Then there are the on-going expenses, work, and life.........but things are good     😄

Oh, and I should mention that all of this was with a very painful left shoulder and upper arm.  The doctor and I can't get seem to get a handle on it.  The ultrasound does tell us that there is no tear or damage, but some swelling of the long tendon, and I have the full range of motion.  I don't want any more steroids.  800mg of ibuprofen, 400 in the morning, and 400 at bedtime keep it quiet enough.  It is a very strange thing, seems to be worse at night and lying down.  Time and rest are what it needs. Maybe arthritis.   


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