Thursday, September 19, 2024

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

The back is just beginning to recover.  It will never be the same lush, bushy, shaded area it was before Beryle, but it is certainly greener.  I have just let it go to see what grows naturally in the striking sun, sea breeze and stones.  It's hot out there! Lots of vervain popping up.  We have had several storms since Beryle, but no hurricanes. Lots and lots of rain and extreme heat.  It is too hot to even go to the beach and the seawater is way too warm

Since the last post we have had the Olympics, USA Democratic Convention, the 'debate'

No news really,  just local life bumping along the unpredictable road going nowhere.  Economic life is stagnant.  The government is making all kinds of wild promises, as governments do.

The dogs are here with us living happily on the beach.  I have some nice photos but I can't get them off my phone to the laptop.

More later.....


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