I'm trying to review the past year, but it flew by so
quickly I just don't think I am going to get it all. Let's start with my trip
back to Perth in June.
So I was back in my second home, in Perth, in June for 6
weeks after 10 months away. What changes
I did I see there over the past year, and what changes occurred here in
Glanvillia/Portsmouth while I was away? Basically nothing on both counts! Kind of
reassuring in a way. I guess things just slog along as they are meant to. I did enjoy my friends and family, and
shopping. I packed my usual 6 boxes of
things and shipped them off to Dominica from Montreal. Thanks Harold for taking the time to schlep
me to the shipper in LaSalle.

Anthony came back with me for a couple of weeks. You can see his videos on YouTube. We didn't see much of him as he was either in
the jungle or under the sea.

The prominent event over the next months was a complete makeover
of the Bar/Restaurant and then putting in the patio in the back. We knocked out the back wall of the Bar, put
in a door, cemented a portion of the back yard to the sea wall and planted a
garden. It is lovely to sit out there,
in the sea breeze under the coconut tree with a cold Kubuli (beer) and a bowl
of McDowell's fish soup. Thanks to Ron
for his guidance and work.

Then there was the Art and Craft Expo sponsored by Ross
University School of Medicine in late November.
A big 2 day event. We make a lot
of money for the community.
This year the recipients were the Northern Home for the Aged and the
Roving Care Givers. I have the best job
on the committee - organizing and looking after the 45+ artists and crafters.

The current project is to bring the front room in the little
old house, next to the Bar, into useable condition. We (Loni, Lene, Mait and I, known locally as "the
white ladies" or sometimes "McDowell's Ladies") plan to open an
art gallery/gift shop there. Renovations
are moving ahead at Dominican rate of progress i.e. slow. Here's a little story: 'Gouti, the carpenter,
had to leave the job early yesterday because he is the bell ringer at the
Catholic Church. There was a funeral, so
he put his tools away at noon and went to ring the bell and didn't come
back. Is he there this morning? Not
sure! Probably, in his own time.The real barrier is the outrageous expense of materials and paint. We hope for a January opening, but I don't
think we will make it. It may be ready
for Carnival.
I will tell more about the house itself, a century building
and the last of its kind in Portsmouth, in another Blog.
So here we are at Christmas 2016. Given that Christmas in Dominica is a
non-event and the tropical weather, it is very difficult to raise any sort of
Christmas Spirit as it is known in n the North.
On Christmas day the expats and their partners and some Ross faculty will
gather at Sister's Sea Lodge on the beach for a pot luck meal and Christmas
cheer! Thanks to Whitney for organizing this.
I wish for peace and health and a reasonable 2017 for us all. Love, Marian
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