Tuesday, January 13, 2015


I have been 'LIATED' as they say.

Over the Christmas break I decided to go visit my brother in Fort Lauderdale.  I had to take LIAT to San Juan and connect with Jet Blue.   I was smart enough to leave a long layover in San Juan knowing that LIAT would be late.  I was to leave Dominica at 8AM.  They didn't come to get us in Dominica until 10.  OK. I had time.  They didn't take us to San Juan though, they took us to Antigua. Why? Because the pilot was tired!!!!   Yes he actually got on the intercom and said that.

 OK, with luck I could still make the connection in San Juan.  But no, I didn't get there in time and had to stay overnight in San Juan at my expense.  OK. I got a flight out of Antigua to San Juan the next morning and  Jet Blue got me on an early flight to Fort Lauderdale.  I had a good holiday with my brother.  

Now I had to get back to Dominica.  Jet Blue to San Juan, no problem. LIAT to Antigua - Dominica.  We left Antigua late and arrived in Dominica, but did not land The pilot said it is too windy to land, the plane cannot handle it and off we went back to Antigua. The people on the ground waiting for us to land watched the plane overhead.   LIAT put us up in Antigua and took us home the next day, minus some luggage.

This is a true story.  I am happy to report that I was very Zen about the whole thing

LIAT: Lord, I Am Terrified

         Luggage Is At Terminus

         Leaving In Another Time

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