A Hospital Experience
Not as bad as I expected!
- The hospital itself is at the top of a long steep hill. The halt and the lame, the sick and the injured walk up
- The confidentiality cult has not hit Dominica. Everything is conducted in the open corridors. But, why not? Everyone knows everyone and/or they are related. You know the concept of 6 degrees of separation? Well, here it is 1 degree!
- Sterilization hysteria is also not a part of the ethos in the Portsmouth Hospital! It is dirty, run down, chipped paint and lifted floor tiles, bucket and mop propped up in the corner of the treatment room, cardboard boxes on broken chairs.
- The ‘reading’ material is a WHO booklet on Control and Surveillance of African Trypanosomiasis, the Dominica Chief Medical Officer’s report of 1996, and several pamphlets advertising the North Eastern Funeral Association.
- People will not help each other. An old lady, in a red sequined cap, couldn’t push her even older husband in his wheelchair up over a bump in the floor. No one helped her. However, when they loaded the beaten up man into the ambulance, everyone was up and out the door to watch. Whenever a door opened or someone came by, all heads would swing around and gawp.
- Prescribed drugs are cheap. 28 erythromycin cost about $5.00 Canadian.
- The health system is 2 tiered. You pay to go to a doctor in his/her office, and you pay for the medicine OR you go to the local Health Centre and see a non-local doctor (usually Cuban), and free drugs, if the hospital pharmacy is open.
- The institution does not keep records. Each individual has “a book” which is an ordinary school exercise book and keeps it for themselves and their children. When you seek medical help, either at the doctor’s office or the health centre, you are expected to produce ‘the book’. “Where’s your book?” is the first question asked. The doctor or nurse transcribes what the complaint and treatment was and what drugs were given.
Stay well!
Stay Well!
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