Sunday, January 19, 2020

Nine Drunken Hungarian Sailors

Saturday night, pouring cold rain.  Dark.    We were just closing when we saw a group of men wandering around the street.  McD called them over offering food, drink, shelter and music.  Who could resist that!  We sat them down under the shed at the back and they ordered a round of rum punch, beer and a Sprite.  Three rounds later they were warm and happy.
One was a drummer and asked if he could use our drum set.  Of course.  And he was great, easily picking up the reggae beat while McD sang.  Then McD put on Deep Purple's Smoke on the Water and they all rose up and sang and rocked out.  None of them could speak English or French, but they certainly knew their vintage R and R.

Addison came to pick them up, they had no idea where their boat was or where they were.  They had just flown to Martinique from Hungary, chartered a boat and its captain and are touring the Caribbean. 
On the way out they all kissed my hand and bowed from the waist. 

Too funny.