Friday, December 27, 2019

A 'Splin' Hand at Christmas

The day before Christmas I tripped over a lumpy curb to get out of the way of a suddenly moving car and went down flat on the sidewalk.  I popped right up with a bleeding cheek, black eye and injured hand.  Not so bad considering what it could have been.  Someone ran to get McDowell who came right away and found me walking home a bit dazed.  The news that Miss Marian had 'fallen' went viral all over Portsmouth.  I didn't fall, I tripped.

I gave the minor injuries a couple of days and had all kinds of advice on how to treat the now badly swollen hand.  None of which I followed.  Dominicans hate ice, they fear it in fact.  But being a good Canadian, I knew my ice and applied it diligently.

Today I went to the Portsmouth Hospital Casualty and spent six hours there:  3 waiting for the triage nurse and then 3 waiting for the doctor.  Again, not so bad.  Most of the wait was outside, in the mountain breeze, listening to the chatter among the others who were also waiting, and I napped.

No pain, just swelling.  My right hand is useless, fingers don't work or close, I can't hold a fork, do up my bra, hold a pencil, but my keyboard tapping finger is fine. It's a nuisance.

The tiny Cuban doctor says ice and time.  She called it  'splin',  I am sure she meant sprain.  Anyhow,  nothing was broken.  She told me that the whole thing will turn all "cowloors" and will take 2 weeks. 

I am grateful to the higher powers who are looking after me.