I walk to Portsmouth from Glanvillia and back at least once
a day, a short 15 minute jaunt that
usually takes 20 to 25 minutes. Usually the sky is high, and bright and
intensely blue, by 9AM the sun is
already striking and it is 80 degrees
F. My morning trip goes like
After I clang the gate behind
me, the first thing I pass is Angie's bread hut.
I continue on, past Obiah's shop, more good morning
wishes, down to the corner. But first I must pass Sono's beloved boat
"Capri", rotting away at the side of the road. I apologize to it and give it a tap.
At the intersection, on the left is the 'public
convenience', toilets and a shower. If I
am going to Picard, (the other direction), this is also the bus stop! There are always 3 or 4 rum soaked denizens
lounging on the steps drinking their breakfast. They call to me, "Dahlin' you
good?" "Madam, you lookin'
pretty", "Baby, have a bless day". I return the greeting with a smile and a wave
and turn right around Cherry Tree Bar, from whence their rum is dispensed!
So now I have the ocean on my left and I am headed directly
into Portsmouth. I walk along Glanvillia
Bay remembering my happy days there with Sono,
and always checking to see who has gone to sea today, what boats are on
their mooring, and of course acknowledging whoever happens to be sitting there
under the almond trees on the beach.
I pass Woody's Pizza, Ma Parson's shop, 2 little Spanish
taverns, the huge gas station and the Bank.
The Tourist building |
west side facing the ocean |
east side looking up the River |
So on to bustling Burrows Square. Loud, noisy, crowded, dusty. It is the bus terminal. Buses coming in from Vielle Case, Thibaud,
Dos D'Ane, Bourne, Paix Bouche stop here and buses to Roseau start here. The square is crowded and the buses drivers
are hustling passengers. They don't
leave Burrows Square until they are full although they could pick up passengers
on the way. " Cucumber"
(coo-cum-bah) comes dashing and calling
across the street to me to see if I need a bus.
The drivers are all calling, "Madam, Madam, goin' Roseau? Leaving
right away." (not true). ( see blog
below "Riding the Buses"). I trip
over the feet of the men sitting on the steps of Miss Olive's shop, all greet me lustily! Just a few steps and I stop to chat with
Michael, (known as Soul) the shoemaker at his stall just outside Douglas'. Sometimes McDowell is there and comes out to
say good morning.
Michael "Soul" |
The next few blocks can bring anything! I pass Rudolph Thomas hard ware, Mini Cash
where I buy electric power and top up my phone, pass and hail (as they say
here) several acquaintances, fist bumps along the way, wave to Jennifer in her
Salon, look to see if Sea View restaurant is open yet, maybe stop in at the
Internet Cafe to get something for school photocopied, greet the Rasta selling local homemade juice, and
on to the Market area and CALLS. Right on the corner , under a big mango tree
are several vegetable stalls. Phillip
has the best grapefruit, pink and sweet and juicy! Into the CALLS courtyard, hello to Rosemary in
the laundry and up stairs to see what adventures wait for me there!
A wonderful way to start the day! Who wouldn't love this!