RIP Josephine Etienne.
Thanks for the pear juice.
I hope they play cricket where you are
See 3/22/14 Notes From Sea View Restaurant
Friday, November 28, 2014
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Here are some
little stories for your entertainment.
Yesterday Carol, a Ross U spouse and friend, had to appear in court for a minor traffic mishap. The proceedings were recorded, by the judge, by hand! They were asked to stop every once in awhile so he could catch up! No tape recorder, never mind a person, other than the judge to write down who said what. This is a true story.
I took a small package to the post office to send to Peter. I had it nicely addressed and sealed for its journey to Canada. The little post office guy demanded that I open it. Why? I questioned. So we can see what is in it. I coolly looked him in the eye (not easy here as they avoid eye contact) and answered, "It is none of your business what is in it. The contents will be listed on the customs sticker. Its contents are the problem of the receiving post office, not yours." We went back and forth for a bit. The post master got involved and my package went off intact.
Ross University is constructing a large new building. An American firm is doing the work and have hired local workers. Many of these workers have long locks which they pile on top of their head or bind under a kerchief. There is an issue with how to perch your hard hat on top of your hair. The American safety officer is insisting the hard hat fit snug to the head, the construction workers are saying, "impossible." Dominicans are very fussy about their hair.
Yesterday Carol, a Ross U spouse and friend, had to appear in court for a minor traffic mishap. The proceedings were recorded, by the judge, by hand! They were asked to stop every once in awhile so he could catch up! No tape recorder, never mind a person, other than the judge to write down who said what. This is a true story.
I took a small package to the post office to send to Peter. I had it nicely addressed and sealed for its journey to Canada. The little post office guy demanded that I open it. Why? I questioned. So we can see what is in it. I coolly looked him in the eye (not easy here as they avoid eye contact) and answered, "It is none of your business what is in it. The contents will be listed on the customs sticker. Its contents are the problem of the receiving post office, not yours." We went back and forth for a bit. The post master got involved and my package went off intact.
Ross University is constructing a large new building. An American firm is doing the work and have hired local workers. Many of these workers have long locks which they pile on top of their head or bind under a kerchief. There is an issue with how to perch your hard hat on top of your hair. The American safety officer is insisting the hard hat fit snug to the head, the construction workers are saying, "impossible." Dominicans are very fussy about their hair.
Muddah Mother
Fahdah Father
Come awhile come
here now
Just now Wait a minute
Irie Good
Tanks Thanks
Portsmouf Portsmouth
Fig Banana
Pear Avocado
where you be? Where
are you?
I dere wi Right
Bobul A
corrupt person
Fockeries Foolishness
meg skinny
meg skinny
Friday, October 3, 2014
Let's talk about being wet,
constantly, inextricably, relentlessly wet.
Not damp, or humid, just wet - all the time. It's one's own juices that
render one wet all over all the time.
Certainly it rains hard and often and you will get caught on the wrong
side of the street where there is no overhang for shelter, but that is not the
wet I am talking about. From that you
will dry quickly. The sun will blast forth and dry everything except YOU. I am
talking about sweat.
Your eyeballs sweat
and you feel like you are crying; the soles of your feet sweat and you slid off
your shoes. The elastic in your bra rots
and your underwear, no matter how scanty is your panty, gets wet and stays wet!
The striking sun does not dry your person, it makes it wetter. You may go into
a building that is air conditioned only to now be clammy and wet!
I guess they don't call it the
rain forest for nothing.
And I would rather be hot and
wet than cold and bundled up.
Morne Diable - an active volcano |
Saturday, August 23, 2014
I grow in age, I value women who are over fifty most of all. Here are just a
few reasons why:
A woman over fifty will never wake you in the middle of the night to ask, “What are you thinking?” She doesn’t care what you think.
If a woman over fifty doesn’t want to watch the game, she doesn’t sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do. And, it’s usually something more interesting.
A woman over fifty knows herself well enough to be assured in who she is, what she is, what she wants and from whom. Few women past the age of forty give a hoot what you might think about her or what she’s doing.
Women over fifty are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won’t hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.
Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it’s like to be unappreciated.
A woman over fifty has the self-assurance to introduce you to her women friends. A younger woman with a man will often ignore even her best friend because she doesn’t trust the guy with other women. Women over fifty couldn’t care less if you’re attracted to her friends because she knows her friends won’t betray her.
Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over fifty. They always know.
A woman over fifty looks good wearing bright red lipstick. This is not true of younger women. Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over fifty is far sexier than her younger counterpart.
Older women are forthright and honest. They’ll tell you right off if you are a jerk, if you are acting like one! You don’t ever have to wonder where you stand with her.
Yes, we praise women over fifty for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it’s not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed hot woman of fifty-plus, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some twenty-two-year-old waitress.
Found somewhere on the internet - this, together with Maya Angelo's statement on what every woman should have, is truth!
A woman over fifty will never wake you in the middle of the night to ask, “What are you thinking?” She doesn’t care what you think.
If a woman over fifty doesn’t want to watch the game, she doesn’t sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do. And, it’s usually something more interesting.
A woman over fifty knows herself well enough to be assured in who she is, what she is, what she wants and from whom. Few women past the age of forty give a hoot what you might think about her or what she’s doing.
Women over fifty are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won’t hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.
Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it’s like to be unappreciated.
A woman over fifty has the self-assurance to introduce you to her women friends. A younger woman with a man will often ignore even her best friend because she doesn’t trust the guy with other women. Women over fifty couldn’t care less if you’re attracted to her friends because she knows her friends won’t betray her.
Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over fifty. They always know.
A woman over fifty looks good wearing bright red lipstick. This is not true of younger women. Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over fifty is far sexier than her younger counterpart.
Older women are forthright and honest. They’ll tell you right off if you are a jerk, if you are acting like one! You don’t ever have to wonder where you stand with her.
Yes, we praise women over fifty for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it’s not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed hot woman of fifty-plus, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some twenty-two-year-old waitress.
Found somewhere on the internet - this, together with Maya Angelo's statement on what every woman should have, is truth!
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Walking into Portsmouth
I walk to Portsmouth from Glanvillia and back at least once
a day, a short 15 minute jaunt that
usually takes 20 to 25 minutes. Usually the sky is high, and bright and
intensely blue, by 9AM the sun is
already striking and it is 80 degrees
F. My morning trip goes like
After I clang the gate behind
me, the first thing I pass is Angie's bread hut.
I continue on, past Obiah's shop, more good morning
wishes, down to the corner. But first I must pass Sono's beloved boat
"Capri", rotting away at the side of the road. I apologize to it and give it a tap.
At the intersection, on the left is the 'public
convenience', toilets and a shower. If I
am going to Picard, (the other direction), this is also the bus stop! There are always 3 or 4 rum soaked denizens
lounging on the steps drinking their breakfast. They call to me, "Dahlin' you
good?" "Madam, you lookin'
pretty", "Baby, have a bless day". I return the greeting with a smile and a wave
and turn right around Cherry Tree Bar, from whence their rum is dispensed!
So now I have the ocean on my left and I am headed directly
into Portsmouth. I walk along Glanvillia
Bay remembering my happy days there with Sono,
and always checking to see who has gone to sea today, what boats are on
their mooring, and of course acknowledging whoever happens to be sitting there
under the almond trees on the beach.
I pass Woody's Pizza, Ma Parson's shop, 2 little Spanish
taverns, the huge gas station and the Bank.
The Tourist building |
west side facing the ocean |
east side looking up the River |
So on to bustling Burrows Square. Loud, noisy, crowded, dusty. It is the bus terminal. Buses coming in from Vielle Case, Thibaud,
Dos D'Ane, Bourne, Paix Bouche stop here and buses to Roseau start here. The square is crowded and the buses drivers
are hustling passengers. They don't
leave Burrows Square until they are full although they could pick up passengers
on the way. " Cucumber"
(coo-cum-bah) comes dashing and calling
across the street to me to see if I need a bus.
The drivers are all calling, "Madam, Madam, goin' Roseau? Leaving
right away." (not true). ( see blog
below "Riding the Buses"). I trip
over the feet of the men sitting on the steps of Miss Olive's shop, all greet me lustily! Just a few steps and I stop to chat with
Michael, (known as Soul) the shoemaker at his stall just outside Douglas'. Sometimes McDowell is there and comes out to
say good morning.
Michael "Soul" |
The next few blocks can bring anything! I pass Rudolph Thomas hard ware, Mini Cash
where I buy electric power and top up my phone, pass and hail (as they say
here) several acquaintances, fist bumps along the way, wave to Jennifer in her
Salon, look to see if Sea View restaurant is open yet, maybe stop in at the
Internet Cafe to get something for school photocopied, greet the Rasta selling local homemade juice, and
on to the Market area and CALLS. Right on the corner , under a big mango tree
are several vegetable stalls. Phillip
has the best grapefruit, pink and sweet and juicy! Into the CALLS courtyard, hello to Rosemary in
the laundry and up stairs to see what adventures wait for me there!
A wonderful way to start the day! Who wouldn't love this!
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Notes From Sea View Restaurant
Here I sit in a little
restaurant, at the sea side in the middle of Portsmouth. It is an open cabin really owned by JoJo
Etienne. I just had a good feed of fried
plantain and stewed chicken in some kind of delicious sauce with fresh apricot
juice. A cricket match is on the TV. Cricket is always on here. JoJo is a fan. When the West Indies is playing there often
is a gathering of women come to watch.
Many people come and
go. Some arrive walking on the sea wall,
some off the street. Some sit and eat,
some ‘take away’. Now – here comes a
German couple, no, Dutch. They are
birders and go out to the sea wall and bring out their serious cameras. There are not many birds hunting as it is hot
mid-day and the fish have gone down deep.
There are two Middle Eastern men at the other end of the table – Moroccans
probably. Dark, silent.
It is hot, but the breeze,
always present, is blowing nicely through.
The sea is calm with little ripples There is a surface wind.
When I turn my face to
look out the door I see a street winding its way up the hill side, colourful
buildings on either side, some children going back to school, a man on a
bicycle, a woman slowly trudging up the steep hill. No trees to shade the houses or street. Too dangerous, I am told. Trees fall on your house in a hurricane!
Now here comes a West
Indian man dressed in his naval whites, an unusual sight. Maybe Coast Guard. He buys some guava juice. Next come some
Norwegians who have been sailing the Caribbean. They pick up a beer from the
fridge and strike up a conversation with me.
They do not buy me a beer. Boo.
JoJo’s granddaughter
comes in from school and is given a bakes with ham and a pop. Something happens
in the cricket game on the TV and there is a loud cheer from the kitchen! The Norwegians drink up and go. A fisherman leaps in off the sea wall, calls
out to me, and an exchange in Patois with JoJo and several other local regulars
begins. Laughter, teasing, joking. They
see me here often and are used to me.
Well, I could sit here
all afternoon and just watch and chat and pass the time.
JoJo in the kitchen |
Looking out the back |
Inside |
Watching cricket on TV |
Friday, February 14, 2014
I want to Write
I really want to
write. I like the physical act of
writing and I like finding words and phrases.
So I bought myself a pretty new book with blank pages and I got out my
favourite pen and I opened the book and waited for the flow. Nothing happened. I waited some more. Still nothing. I smoked a cigarette and waited some
more. Still waiting. So while I am waiting for something to write
about I will tell you what I see when I look out the window.
I see the mountains that
are Dominica, ancient volcanoes standing proud and tall. There is nothing
subtle about these mountains. The peaks
and valleys and ridges are distinct. The furthest away is dark. Mist and clouds negotiate their way around
the top. It is this range I look to
every morning to decide if I should take an umbrella or not.
In front of this falls
another mountain also dark, but with streaks of sunlight on its west face. This range becomes a group of undulating
hills which disappear behind another mountain.
This one is in full sunlight; there are shadows of clouds sliding over
These ranges seem to drop
directly into the sea giving way to another power. But no, they do not give way
at all. They steadfastly continue. The ocean merely floods the valleys and
covers the mountain tops. Coral grow on
them instead of coconut and banana. Fish
live there instead of people.
Now that I think of it,
Dominica is all sky, mountain, ocean: earth, air, water. and frequently connected by a rainbow.
Monday, February 3, 2014
The community is bereft
and on its knees. Two young fishermen,
brothers, have been missing since Saturday, February 1. I have been around when other fishermen have
gone missing, but this is especially poignant as they were young, popular, from a well known fishing family. Their sister runs a bar just opposite the fish market, their mother is also a local shop owner. Their father is a respected fisherman.
Nothing has been
seen. The coast guard, the helicopters, the other
fishermen, even sailors on their yachts have searched and are continuing to
search, but not a trace. It is said that
they went out to place a FAD so they had a very heavy load on board. The wind was high. The speculation is that when they tried to
throw the heavy load overboard they capsized and sank. If the boat went adrift it would have been seen
or washed up by now.
Sono is out there with
them and will look after them.
Saturday, January 18, 2014
A Message From Sono
January 18, 2014
Well Sono, we got your message.
I am staying with my friend
Kathleen. This afternoon I was upstairs
in the shower, she was downstairs in the kitchen. The radio was on. Suddenly she ran upstairs calling to me, “Come
immediately, Sono just sent me to get you.
He is sending you this song.” I
ran down stairs and it was Rita Coolidge singing Close the Window, Calm the Lights.
Here are the words Sono sent to
me this afternoon.
the rain begins and it may never end
So cry no more on the shore
A dream will take us out to sea
Forever more forever more
Close your eyes and dream
And and you can be with me
'Neath the waves through the caves of hours
Long forgotten now
We're all alone
We're all alone
Close the window
Calm the light
And it will be alright
No need to bother now
Let it out
Let it all begin
Learn how to pretend
Once a story's told
It can't help but grow old
Roses do
Lovers too
So cast your seasons to the wind
And hold me dear
Oh, hold me dear
Close the window
Calm the light
And it will be alright
No need to bother now
Let it out
Let it all begin
All's forgotten now
We're all alone
oh-oh, we're all alone
Close the window
Calm the light
And it will be alright
No need to bother now
Let it out
So cry no more on the shore
A dream will take us out to sea
Forever more forever more
Close your eyes and dream
And and you can be with me
'Neath the waves through the caves of hours
Long forgotten now
We're all alone
We're all alone
Close the window
Calm the light
And it will be alright
No need to bother now
Let it out
Let it all begin
Learn how to pretend
Once a story's told
It can't help but grow old
Roses do
Lovers too
So cast your seasons to the wind
And hold me dear
Oh, hold me dear
Close the window
Calm the light
And it will be alright
No need to bother now
Let it out
Let it all begin
All's forgotten now
We're all alone
oh-oh, we're all alone
Close the window
Calm the light
And it will be alright
No need to bother now
Let it out
it all begin
Owe it to the wind, my love
Owe it to the wind, my love
hear Rita sing it on You Tube.
Boz Scaggs also gives a moving rendition
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Today, as I walked by Glanvillia Bay, the fishermen were just coming in. I burst into tears and embarrassed everyone...including Sono, no doubt!
Boz Scaggs also gives a moving rendition
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Today, as I walked by Glanvillia Bay, the fishermen were just coming in. I burst into tears and embarrassed everyone...including Sono, no doubt!
Lambert "Sono" Emanuel
January 1, 1954 January 8, 2014
We buried Sono today, January 15, 2014, under a brilliant double rainbow with the parrots flying overhead. “For true” as they say in Dominica. He was buried in the public cemetery, in a field of lemon grass in bloom, on a hill surrounded by his beloved mountains. His son and brothers and neighbours carried his coffin to the grave. I stood with his daughters while they lowered his body and shoveled in the red Dominican clay soil to cover it. He is gone from us now.
Who is going to tease us
and call us names? Who is going to say “Stop dat” and "Foolish"? Who is going to fry fish
for me? Who is going to play
hide-and-seek with me in the middle of the night? Who is going to sing reggae love songs to me? Who am I going to read to? Who am I going to wait for at the Bay?
There was some confusion about which church the service was to be in, but it got straightened out and about 100+ friends and family gathered to celebrate Sono’s life. Hymns were sung, prayers were said. He lay there through it all, in a shirt, tie and jacket – clothes he didn’t own and would NEVER wear in life. The detested colour purple was everywhere. There was no reggae music. He would have hated the whole thing.
But he would have loved the turn out. The people who knew the sea as he did came, the people who knew the soil as he did were there, the people who lived through difficult times with him and his children were there, and childhood friends were there. His brothers and sisters, some of whom came from other islands, were all there. His children were there. He would have been so proud to see my women friends there, both as a tribute to him and as a support for me.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Lambert "Sono" Emanuel
I was on the Glanvillia Beach,
looking out over the Caribbean Sea, in my usual quandary, when a tall, handsome, vibrant man suddenly
appeared at my back. Without a word, he picked
up a piece of turquoise blue beach glass and handed it to me. His presence had an instant impact
and I immediately felt safe. Later he
told me that 2 weeks prior to this he had dreamt that he saw a mermaid with silver scales
on Glanvillia Beach. This was the start
of a relationship that was intense and powerful. Sono and I had 5 filled,
wonderful years together.
Sono was born in the
Portsmouth area on January 1, 1954. He
proudly says he was the first baby born in Dominica on that date at the crack
of midnight! He grew up in Portsmouth,
Lagoon and Clifton and spent some years in Roseau where he made and sold “sweeties”
(candy). He spoke Patois, Creole and French fluently. He was a shipwright, a
fisherman, a man of all trades, but foremost a sailor. He was 13 when he built his first boat and
went on to build many more, some of which are still in use. He was one of the
young men who revolted against the infamous Dread Act and fled into the bush, and survived
the ensuing persecution. This is a
period he would never talk about. He
owns a wooden house in Glanvillia where he raised two of his children as a proud
single father. He was an active member
of the St. John’s Fisherfolk Cooperative.
Although a man of the sea
he was connected, in that unique Dominican way, to the land. He knew every plant, its medicinal use and
where to find it. He knew every creature, every lizard, and every insect. He literally could call the birds out of the
trees. He was proud of being the sure footed ‘goat’, the Capricorn. He named one of his boats “Capri.”
He practiced his guitar regularly and loved roots reggae. He knew them all and had a good collection.
He practiced his guitar regularly and loved roots reggae. He knew them all and had a good collection.
On July 25, 2013, on his way to the airport to pick me up he had a catastrophic car accident. His neck was broken, C4, C5, C6 were fractured. He died on January 8, 2014 not only as a result of this accident but also as a result of the appalling lack of medical care and services, and ignorance.
Sono and Marian at Red Rocks Beach
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