Saturday, April 19, 2008

Notes From the Field

I have 2 events to report:

1. I have rented space in a studio in Perth. This has saved me from running away from home permanently. I go everyday around 10 AM, unlock the door and step into another world. It is bright, I have a nice long table, lots of room for my bits and pieces of paper and tools. The printmaker who owns the studio is not always there, but is excellent company when she is. Sometimes our friends drop in, sometimes Samantha and her friends drop in. I work until 3 or so, do a few errands and go home, usually feeling good having spent several uninterupted hours in my right brain. Great.

What is this 'work' I do there you ask? This brings me to item 2

2. I have become completely involved in the mail-art movement. As one mailart artist/blogger has put it, it is "my humble attempt to make community by engaging in the exchange and documentation of mailart." (lindall). I am especially fond of making ATCs, 'zines, travelling journals, altered books, and lately, Zentangles. I am also making large collages with found objects.

I am having a good time.

Here are some links to explain.